Step 1: Download the installation file by choosing version 6 on the Academic Software page under 'Select version' and clicking the download button.
Step 2: Open the TopSolid installation file in your download folder.
Step 3: Accept the licence agreement.
Step 4: Select the products you wish to install and click on Install. Adjust the different installation folders if necessary.
Step 5: Click on Close and open TopSolid again.
Step 6: A window appears when you launch the software for the first time. Enter the following IP address:
Step 7: Search for TopSolid via the explorer. Right-click on the file 'TopSolid 2021'.
Step 8: Click on Shortcut and change the Target field to C:\Missler\V622\bin\top622.exe -fTOPSOLID/217/6.22
Step 9: Go to the Compatibility tab and select 'Run this program as an administrator'.
Step 10: Restart TopSolid, click on Help > Codes, and check whether the licence has been added under 'Used licences'. TopSolid is ready to use.