Step 1: Go to the Ansys Granta EduPack page on Academic Software and click the download button on the right to download the ZIP folder. This can take a while given the size of the file.
Step 2: Open the ZIP folder and extract all files.
Step 3: Once extraction is complete, launch the file 'edupack_setup.2021_R2.exe'.
Step 4: Accept the Licence Agreement.
Step 5: On the next screen, enter next to 'Server' and 2325 next to 'Server port number'. Then click on Continue.
Step 6: Select the language in which the software should be installed and click on Continue.
Step 7: Choose which packages you want to install and click on Install.
Step 8: Wait until the installation is complete.
Step 9: Click on Finish.
Step 10: In order to use the software, you must first click on the Request button on Academic Software. This will grant you an online licence for one hour. So whenever you want to use the software, come back to Academic Software to request your temporary licence.