Attention! In order to use the latest version (8.3) of Siemens LOGO! Soft, you have to install it using a previous version (see below). If you have already installed a previous version of LOGO! Soft, please proceed to section 2.
1. How to install LOGO! Soft version 8.2
Step 1: Go to LOGO! Soft on Academic Software and select version 8.2.
Then click on the download button.
Step 2: Go to your downloads folder and unzip the ZIP file.
Step 3: Open the unzipped folder, go to LogoSoftV8_2 > Windows > Application_64 and double-click on 'Start.exe'. The application will open.
2. How to upgrade to LOGO! Soft version 8.3
Step 1: Go to LOGO! Soft on Academic Software and download both versions 8.2 and 8.3 by selecting them one by one and clicking on the download button.
Step 2: Go to your downloads folder and extract both files.
Step 3: Open the installation folder of version 8.3 and double-click on the 'Setup.exe' file.
Step 4: The installation will be carried out. Choose a language and click on OK.
Step 5: Accept the licence agreement and click on Next.
Step 6: Click on 'Choose...' and select the folder where the previous version of LOGO! Soft is installed.
If you have downloaded both versions of Academic Software, simply go to your downloads folder and select the following path: LogoSoftV8_2 > Windows > Application_64
Step 7: Repeat step 6.
Step 8: Choose a desired installation folder.
Step 9: Click on 'In a new Program Group' and then on Install.
Step 10: Click on YES.
Stap 11: Click on YES again.
Step 12: Click on Done. Version 8.3 of LOGO! Soft is installed and will launch.