Creating a Unity ID
Step 1: Go to the Academic Software page of Unity 3D and click on the 'Start procedure' button.
Step 2: Click on 'Create One' if you do not yet have an account. Already have an account? Then log in.
Step 3: Fill in the requested details, accept the terms and conditions and click on 'Create a Unity ID'.
Step 4: The system will then check whether you are a student. Fill in the requested details, accept the licence agreement and click on 'Verify My Student Status'.
Step 5: Verify the CAPTCHA.
Step 6: If everything has gone well, you will see this screen.
Installing Unity Hub
Step 1: Click on the button 'Download Unity Hub'.
Step 2: Open the Unity Hub installer file.
Step 3: Click on 'I Agree' to accept the licence agreement.
Step 4: Choose the folder where you want to install Unity Hub and click on Install.
Unity Hub is being installed.
Step 5: Unity Hub is installed and will start up if you check the box next to 'Launch Unity Hub' and then click on Finish.
Activating your licence
Step 1: Log in with your account.
Step 2: Skip the Editor installation if it is offered.
Step 3: Click on your profile icon in the upper left corner and go to 'Manage Licenses'.
Step 4: Click on the blue Add button on the right.
Step 5: Select the option 'Get a free personal license'.
Step 6: Click on 'Agree and get personal edition license'.
Your licence has been activated and is now listed under 'Manage Licenses'.
Installing Unity
Step 1: Go to Installs in Unity Hub and click on 'Install Editor'.
Step 2: Choose the version of Unity you wish to install and click on Install.
Step 3: If desired, add additional modules to your installation.
Step 4: Tick the box 'I have read and agree with the above terms and conditions' and click on Install.
The Unity version and any additional modules will be installed. This may take a while.
When the installation is complete, go to Projects to get started