Step 1: Go to Respondus LockDown Browser on the Academic Software platform and click on the 'Download Respondus LockDown' button to download the software.
Step 2: Open the installation file in your download folder. If you are asked if you want this app to make changes on your PC, click Yes.
Step 3: Choose your setup language and click on Next.
InstallShield Wizard prepares the setup.
Step 4: Read and accept the licence agreement by checking the box for ‘I accept the terms of the license agreement’ and click on Next.
InstallShield Wizard is installing Respondus LockDown Browser.
Step 5: The installation is now complete. Click on Finish to exit the installation wizard.
Step 6: Respondus is installed on your PC. There is a shortcut installed on your desktop to launch the program.
Problems with the installation of Respondus LockDown Browser?
If you get this error message when downloading and/or installing Respondus LockDown Browser, it is probably because of Windows Defender. To solve the problem, open Windows Defender on your PC and try disabling 'Virus & Threat Protection'. If the problem persists, also disable other components of Windows Defender, including:
- Firewall & Network Protection
- App & Browser Control
Once the installation is complete, you should re-enable any Windows Defender components that you may have disabled.