Go to the Academic Software page of SketchUp and select the version you want to use at the right side of the page.
SketchUp Free
If you want to use SketchUp Free, follow the steps below. For SketchUp Make, go to the next section.
Step 1: Under 'Select version' choose 'SketchUp Free' and click the button 'Go to SketchUp Free'.
Step 2: Click 'Start Modeling' on the SketchUp website.
Step 3: Sign in with your email address or Google Account.
Step 4: Fill in your details and click on 'Create new account'.
Step 5: You will see this screen.
Step 6: Confirm your account by clicking on the link in the confirmation email and then click on 'activate acocunt'
Step 7: Your account is now confirmed. Click on 'here' to log in.
Step 8: Log in with the account you have just created.
Step 9: Accept the terms and click OK.
Step 10: Click on 'Start Modeling'.
The software launches. You can immediately start working in your web browser.
SketchUp Make 2017
Step 1: Under 'Select version' choose 'SketchUp Make 2017' and click on the button 'Download SketchUp Make 2017' to start the download.
Step 2: Open the installation file in your download folder.
The installation is now being prepared.
Step 3: Click on Install to install the additional components.
Step 4: Click on Next.
Step 5: Choose an installation location and click on Next.
Step 6: Click on Next again.
Step 7: Click on Install to start the installation.
SketchUp Make will now be installed.
Step 8: Click on Finish to complete the installation.
Step 9: Launch SketchUp. The following screen appears.
Accept the licence terms and click on Continue.
The software is now installed and ready to use.