Step 1: Go to NUTRiDiETiST on Academic Software and click on the button 'Download Nutridiëtist' to download the software.
Step 2: After you've downloaded Nutridiëtist conveniently drag the folder onto your desktop.
Then open the folder and select NUTRILINK_SOFTWARE while holding down the COMMAND button.
In the options window, select Open.
Step 3: You should now receive a message. Click on OK.
Step 4: Then a Finder window will open. In this window you navigate to the downloaded software on your desktop. In this folder select NUTRILINK_SOFTWARE.fmpur.
Note: If you are unable to open the file, follow the steps below:
- Download the file directly as a .zip file from the platform (right-click 'Download linked file as')
- Open the file with a different software like The Unarchiver
Step 5: Now log in with the following credentials:
- Account name: Nutri1
- Password: 1234
Once logged in, you will be prompted to choose a password of your own. (Remember your password, it cannot be reset).
Step 6: Then you can start using Nutrilink!